Styling by Herin Choi
Make-up by Rommy Najor
Hair by Evanie Fausto Team
Set design by Camila Falquez
Assistants Bashira Webb and Bonny Melendez
Production The Lindsay Thompson Company and Maya Young
Shot at Delicia Studio, Brooklyn March 2022

Qween Jean,
In Coversation with Charlotte Cotton the day of the "Family Photo" . March 26 2022
" And today in particular feels like the extension of our home. Truly, our home had no walls. The holidays that we had grown up with and understood connected to family and to tradition. But as transgender people, that had not been our experience. As queer bodies we have actually been excluded from that connection, that sense of ownership and that sense of pride. I am grateful that I was able to not only feel like there was a space for us but that there was a need for us to continue, assemble, to laugh, cry, to dance. There was a special ancestral magic pulse that happened and I didn’t think it stopped. Maybe it’s a heartbeat, maybe it’s the beat of a drum. It continues. It is happening right here in this room. Babe, all I can tell you is that these are the things that I think define us as people. These are the moments in life that I pray continue to grow. I pray that there are more young people that get to experience the places where they truly know that they are loved. Where truly know that they do not have to fear, where they do not have to explain. That you can be just who you are, just as you are. And that in itself is a revolution. They are revolutionary. And that our existence doesn’t have to be defined by anyone else and that our existence doesn’t have to be legitimized by anyone else. And we deserve to live. "